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Youth Photography Competition 2024

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The Town's inaugural youth photography competition 'What Makes you Happy' asked young people to capture an image that meant something significant to them. The result was more than 60 diverse entries across a range of different creative inspirations.

The 24 selected finalists all received the opportunity to attend a photography workshop with professional photographer, Michael Pelusey.

The six winning entries can be seen below.

First place winner - Senior Category

Happiness Blooms with the most unexpected people.

By Izzy Higgins.

"I captured this portrait of my friend from different angles and composed them together as it reminds me of how first impressions don't always depict a person's personality and how they might end up being someone who brings you the most joy in life."

Second place winner - Senior Category


By Tayla Fardon

"I have photographed my twin sister cradling her treasured childhood doll. It is encased in gold, serving as a poignant symbol of innocence and nostalgia. The doll, an emblem of youth and play, is wrapped in gold, a material associated with value, reverence, and timelessness. This juxtaposition creates a powerful commentary on the preciousness of happy childhood memories."

First place winner - Junior Category

Literary Joy

By Maya Pushpalingham

"This image represents the joy of reading a good book and the ideas it sparks!"

Second place winner - Junior Category

A Moment of Happiness

By Ares Yin

"I took this photo whilst I was in Osaka, Japan, in a festive street at night - this remains a vivid memory of the trip. It makes me think of childhood happiness, the relaxing days full of freedom which contribute to the first part of life. I feel very happy that I was able to capture this beautiful moment."

Claremont Resident


By Alexander Lacson-Fox

"The Claremont Jetty has got to be my favourite place in Claremont. Having lived in or around Claremont most of my life. I'd come here afterschool lots, admiring these buildings with my iPhone camera. The way they stands out absolutely astounds me every time I pass it. Upon hearing about this competition, I knew instantly my photo had to be taken here. Music is a big part of my life, and I'm currently learning guitar, and although its difficult, it makes it more rewarding when I learn something, so I shot the scenery I love so much, with the aspect of my love for music captured within the photo."

Mayor's Award


By Harrison Osgarby

"The kookaburra, a gift from the eastern sates to us that has somehow wriggled there way up to being one of Australia's most iconic animals, but to me kookaburras are a little more than that. As cheeky as they are they are still a beautiful bird, thus the title 'connection'. Because it is that connection to nature that makes me happy. Being out in the middle of nowhere to sit in a bush for 3 hours to just see one particular species of bird, believe it or not, makes me happy! In this instance I didn't have to travel very far but no matter where I am I'm always gonna look up a tree and look for a kookaburra."

Thank you for your feedback!

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