The Town of Claremont would like to acknowledge the passing and burial of Ballaruk Traditional Owner and leader, Mr Corrie Bodney.
The Town will be flying our flags at half-mast today in recognition of the passing and burial of Traditional Owner and leader, Mr Corrie Bodney.
Mr Bodney passed away on December 31 2022 and is recognised as an important part of the Town's history.
An advocate for Aboriginal rights, Mr Bodney spent most of his life working towards the cause, but was also cherished by his family for his cheeky smile and sense of humour.
Mr Bodney was born in the Swanbourne bush in 1932 and attended Swanbourne Primary School.
In his oral histories conducted in 2007 by the Claremont Museum, he recalled his time at the Swanbourne and Freshwater Bay Camps.
“We really enjoyed life in the bush, you know, we were bred and born to live in the bush.” Mr Bodney said.
The family fished at Freshwater Bay and caught mullet, cobbler, blue manna crabs.
“We used to have kylies, made out of tin or spear, something like that, and just throw them, because there used to be big schools here one time, of fish. It’s unbelievable how they used to be - crabs, get plenty of crabs here!”
More information on the life of Mr Bodney and his history within the Town can be found at our Claremont Museum.