In accordance with section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, notice is given that the Town of Claremont intends to levy the following differential rates for the 2024/25 financial year.
Rating Category |
Rate in the Dollar |
Minimum Rate |
Residential |
0.061778 |
$1,506.26 |
Commercial |
0.076045 |
$1,506.26 |
Information relating to the objects and reasons for the proposed differential rates and a copy of the draft budget are available to view at the following links:
or at the Town’s Administration Building, 308 Stirling Highway, Claremont.
The Town of Claremont Draft Budget 2024/25 is also available for public comment.
Electors and ratepayers are invited to make submissions to the Town in relation to the above.
Submissions may be made to the Chief Executive Officer by email to toc@claremont.wa.gov.au, by hand to the Town’s Administration Building or by post to PO Box 54, Claremont WA 6910.
All submissions must be received by 5.00pm Friday 19 July 2024.
Council will consider any submissions received before making a decision to impose Differential Rates in the 2024/25 Budget.
Liz Ledger
Chief Executive Officer