Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 18 April 2023 resolved to advertise its Draft Payment in Lieu of Parking Plan for public comment.
The Draft Parking Plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
The Draft Parking Plan proposes how Council will provide parking for development through the payment of cash-in-lieu to support development in the Town Centre and the Swanbourne and Ashton Avenue Local Centres.
The Town seeks your feedback on the Draft Parking Plan available for inspection and comment for a period of 21 days until close of business on Monday 29 May 2023.
Please submit your comments in writing by email to toc@claremont.wa.gov.au or by letter addressed to:
Planning Department
Town of Claremont
PO Box 54, Claremont WA 6910
Please ensure your submission references your property and provides both a phone number and email address to allow the Town to contact you regarding your comments if required. Any submissions received will be considered as part of the determination process and a summary of your submission will be publicly available in the Council Agenda.
Should you have any questions on the proposals, please contact David Vinicombe at the Town on 9285 4300.
Liz Ledger