The Town of Claremont invites nominations from interested community members for a two-year term expiring in October 2025 for the Committees of Council.
The role of a Committee Member is to attend quarterly meetings and participate in making recommendations to Council.
Advisory Committees
Council has established the below Committees to provide recommendations of an advisory nature only to Council on the relevant matter.
The following nominations are sought for these Committees:
Claremont Museum Advisory Committee | Up to 5 Community Representatives |
Claremont Town Centre Advisory Committee | Up to 5 Claremont Town Centre Business Representatives |
Foreshore Advisory Committee | Up to 3 Community Representatives |
Lake Claremont Advisory Committee | Up to 2 Community Representatives |
Audit and Risk Management Committee
The Audit and Risk Management Committee is responsible for advising Council on matters relating to external audits, internal statutory reviews and audits, compliance and risk management.
Nominations are sought for 2 Community Representative positions on this Committee.
Nominees shall either be:
- A Member of CPA Australia or the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Australia); or
- Have business or financial management/reporting knowledge and experience and be conversant with financial and other reporting requirements.
Nomination forms can be obtained here or from the Administration Building at 308 Stirling Highway, Claremont.
For further information please visit our Committees page or contact the Town’s Governance Team on 08 9285 4300 or at governance@claremont.wa.gov.au
Nominations close at 5.00pm on Friday 6 October 2023