We share our residents’ concerns about tree health and the Town is aware of Sycamore Lace Bugs in our street trees.
We share our residents’ concerns about tree health and the Town is aware of Sycamore Lace Bugs in our street trees. However, we believe the current signs of stress in the trees are primarily due to the recent prolonged heatwave.
London plane trees, originating from the Northern Hemisphere, are known to be susceptible to extreme and extended heat, which can cause browning of leaves and defoliation outside of their normal cycle.
While heat stress can make them more vulnerable to Lace Bugs, new growth after a period of recovery will typically be free of these pests.
The Town is actively taking steps to help the trees recover from heat stress through increased watering; we are currently watering trees five days a week, prioritising younger trees and those most at risk due to the weather.
Unfortunately, injections for Lace Bugs are often expensive and have limited effectiveness.
With other significant threats like the Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer (PSHB) requiring our attention, we believe focusing resources on this approach wouldn't be the most efficient use of funds.
We are closely monitoring the health of all our trees, though we don't currently have specific data on the number affected by Lace Bugs. The impact of any pest infestation is regularly assessed and reported on.
We anticipate the London plane trees will recover once temperatures cool down and we receive regular rainfall. We will continue to monitor their health and take appropriate action as needed.
Any suspected PSHB beetle activity spotted by our residents should be reported immediately to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development via the MyPestGuide reporter app or the Pest and Disease Information Service, on (08) 9368 3080, or by email at padis@dpird.wa.gov.au.