This week, the concrete foundations were poured for new changing facilities at Claremont Aquatic Centre, marking the start of exciting upgrades at the centre.
This week, the concrete foundations were poured for new changing facilities at Claremont Aquatic Centre, marking the start of exciting upgrades at the centre.
The project will see the installation of new all-access and family-friendly change rooms, as well as improved seating and grassed areas at the centre, for the 2021 summer season.
Town of Claremont Mayor Jock Barker said the works were able to be completed thanks to a $104,010 federal Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program grant to boost local economies post COVID-19.
“This was an aspirational project for the Town but when we saw the opportunity to bring the project forward with the assistance of this funding, we jumped at the opportunity,” Mayor Barker said.
“The addition of the family-friendly changerooms are a fantastic finishing touch to the new splash pad and water playground that was installed earlier this year, making the centre the perfect place for families to visit on those hot summer days.”
The improvements will include an accessible change room and separate ambulant toilet, two family-friendly change rooms as well as four outside showers for patrons.
“We’ve also ensured the upgrades are improving on our water usage by including native garden beds, dual flush toilets and water saving shower heads,” Mayor Barker said.
The grassed hill area will also be transformed into a grass terrace seating area with new trees and an extended footpath.
The works are expected to take approximately ten weeks and are due to be completed by January 2021.
Pool users will still have full access to changing facilities for the duration of the upgrades with temporary universal acccess change rooms at the front of the centre.