The Town of Claremont is seeking to dispose of land by lease by way of public tender in accordance with the requirements of section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995.
The site is 327 Stirling Highway, Claremont being Lot 51 on Deposited Plan 62043 contained in Certificate of Title Volume 1611 Folio 221. The Building Area comprises approximately 460m2.
A detailed request for tender document can be obtained by emailing toc@claremont.wa.gov.au.
Submissions must be lodged to toc@claremont.wa.gov.au by no later than 5pm, Thursday 7 November 2024.
Contact person: Bree Websdale, Director Governance and People on 08 9285 4300 or toc@claremont.wa.gov.au.
Liz Ledger
Chief Executive Officer