The Town is creating a vibrant new community hub!
Works are underway on the Claremont Community Centre on Bay View Terrace, an exciting new space that will become an important facility for Town of Claremont residents and community. The MARKYT Community Scorecard feedback showed a common interest for an upgraded community centre with youth facilities and spaces for local groups.
With this feedback in mind, the centre will be designed to provide three multi-purpose indoor spaces that will host a range of programmed leisure activities, venue space available for hire, as well as a café, kitchen, and an outdoor lawn bowls green.
A key vision is to include programs and activities for the youth of Claremont, so we are seeking feedback from 12–18-year-olds on what leisure activities would interest them.
If you or someone you know fits into the 12–18 age bracket, it’s time to put on your thinking caps and let us know the type of indoor activities, programs, social groups, or similar things that you really want to be involved with.
to complete our Youth Survey.