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Bookings at the Aquatic Centre

View our in-term swimming events schedule here.

Request to Book

If you would like to Request a Booking for the Aquatic Centre, please complete our form below. Please ensure you read through our Terms and Conditions before you complete the form.

Commercial, private, community
Select all that apply
If selecting hire of pool lanes, please specify number of lanes
Please let us know if you have any further information you would like us to know.
I agree to the Terms and Conditions of Hire as outlined on this page. I am aware that any children under the age of 10 must be fully supervised by an adult at all times. I understand by completing this form I am Requesting to Book and that this is not a confirmation of a booking at this time.
Tick to acknowledge

Pool Inflatable Information

View our pool inflatable information sheet here

Contact Us

For booking information and lane availability, call us on 9285 4343.

Thank you for your feedback!

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