The Town of Claremont is now inviting expressions of interest for an exciting Arts mentorship opportunity.
The Town is pleased to provide a young artist with the opportunity to grow their career and gain invaluable experience in a paid mentorship initiative.
This initiative will see a young artist (18-25yrs) working alongside an experienced mural artist in the creation of a new public art mural on a popular hit-up wall based at Rowe Park.
Rowe Park is located centrally within Claremont along the busy Gugeri Street providing fantastic exposure for the awarded artist.
The vision for this new public art mural is to provide an inspiring and visually appealing addition to the area enhancing the experience of residents and the community who visit or use the park.
The Expression Of Interest (EOI) is open to any Town of Claremont young person or emerging artist aged 18-25yrs. The successful person will be paid a Mentee Artist Fee of $2,000 (ex GST) for their contribution to the creation of the new public artwork mural.
To submit your EOI: Those interested in applying should send a cover letter (max 2 pages) explaining the motivation behind their submission in being involved in this paid art opportunity. Applicants must also include up to 6 images of previous artwork(s) they have created which demonstrate artistic style, ability, and quality of work. Submissions should be sent to artaward@claremont.wa.gov.au
Submissions Close 5pm Wednesday 7 February 2024.