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Community consultation

Your Community, Your Say  

Your opinions and views are important to us.  We seek feedback from the broader community and stakeholders to help guide and inform the decision making process.  We endeavour to maximise community and stakeholder participation in its activities through timely, accurate and understandable communication.

In the 2023/2024 period, the Town engaged independent research company, CATALYSE to conduct the MARKYT Community Scorecard. This study sought feedback from the community on a range of areas in relation to the Town's performance. A comprehensive overview of the results can be found at the following link: MARKYT Community Scorecard results.

Consultation projects 


Name the Good Luck Bulldog

Claremont Park will soon be home to a new sculpture the 'Good Luck Bulldog' which has been designed to reflect the shared joy of spending time in the park for both humans and dogs.

Our community is invited to have their say in naming the bulldog by nominating their favourite name at this link.

The survey closes Tuesday 22 April.

Freshwater Bay Bushland Plan

We invite our community to have their say on the Freshwater Bay Bushland Plan. 🌳🦅

The Town is working with the Shire of Peppermint Grove and the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Riverbank Program to implement enhancement and restoration projects in the area.

To have your say, complete the survey found at this link.

The survey closes Monday 21 April 2025.

Previous consultation projects

Following consultation on the Structure Plan, Council resolved on 28 June 2022 to seek final approval of the Town Centre Structure Plan (PSP) with a number of minor modifications.  

The PSP was considered by the Statutory Planning Committee of the Western Australian Planning Commission on 26 March 2024 and supported for final approval subject to minor changes. 

Following completion of the required changes, the Western Australian Planning Commission approved the final Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan on 24 September 2024. 

This consultation is now closed. 

The Town is developing a plan that will prioritise resources for preserving and enhancing the Claremont Foreshore – now and into the future.

These key areas have been identified by Council, and your feedback will assist Council in prioritising these key areas for budgetary purposes.

This consultation is now closed.

The Town of Claremont community were invited to nominate a name  for the new facility at 64 Bay View Terrace. This facility will become a beating heart in the centre of Claremont, allowing residents and visitors to foster community spirit while participating in a range of programs, activities, and initiatives.

This consultation has now closed.

The Town invited feedback from residents on those streets with temporary parking restrictions to have their say on whether they wished for those restrictions to continue upon completion of The Grove development in June 2024.

This consultation is now closed.

In accordance with section 3.12(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995, notice is given that the Town of Claremont proposes to make the Fencing Local Law 2024.

The purpose of the Fencing Local Law 2024 is to prescribe a sufficient fence and the standard for the construction of fences throughout the district. The effect of the Fencing Local Law 2024 is to establish the minimum requirements for fencing within the district.

A copy of the Fencing Local Law 2024 may be inspected at the Town’s Administration Building at 308 Stirling Highway, Claremont or viewed here.

Submissions have now closed.

The Town is upgrading John and Jean Mulder Park to include a new playground and a resurfaced scooter track. Works will be completed in 2024.

The community was invited to have their say on their preferred playground design to replace the existing one.

This consultation is now closed.

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 31 October 2023, Council resolved to readvertise the draft Town of Claremont Animal Local Law 2023.

The purpose of the Animal Local Law 2023 is to provide for the regulation, control and management of the keeping of dogs and cats within the district. 

Members of the public are invited to make a submission to the Town regarding the draft Animal Local Law 2023.

Submissions are now closed.

The Town has prepared a Local Planning Strategy to address future planning within the Town of Claremont.

Following consultation on the Strategy, Council resolved on 25 June 2024 to seek final approval of the Strategy with a number of minor modifications.  The Strategy was considered by the Statutory Planning Committee of the Western Australian Planning Commission on 18 September 2024 and supported for final approval subject to minor change.  The Town is currently liaising with officers of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage to effect final changes to the Strategy and it is expected that final approval of the Strategy will be granted shortly.

The Local Planning Strategy sets the objectives and long-term planning directions for the built form of the Town to ensure a suitable supply of appropriately zoned land to accommodate future population change and economic development over a 15 year period. This document is key in shaping ‘where, why and how’ of future planning and development outcomes in the Town of Claremont. 

For more information  please see our FAQs.

Submissions are now closed.

The Town is creating a new hub for our community to enjoy - the Claremont Community Centre - and wanted to know what's important to our younger community members.

A consultation survey was sent out via social media and digital channels inviting residents aged 12-18 years to complete their feedback.

This consultation is now closed.

The Town of Claremont is proposing to commence a major land transaction in relation to the proposed acquisition of 288 Stirling Highway, Claremont.

A Business Plan providing an overall assessment of the proposed acquisition has been prepared and is available to view here or at the Town’s Administration Building, 308 Stirling Highway, Claremont.

Members of the public are invited to make submissions to the Town in relation to the proposed acquisition.

Submissions can be made to the Chief Executive Officer by email to, by hand to the Town’s Administration Building or by post to PO Box 54, Claremont WA 6910.

Submissions are now closed.


Submissions were invited on the Town of Claremont’s Draft Budget 2023-24.

Consultation has now closed.

In accordance with section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, notice is given that the Town of Claremont intends to levy the following differential rates for the 2023-24 financial year.

Rate Type



General Rate in the Dollar



General Minimum Rate



Commercial Rate in the Dollar



Commercial Minimum Rate



Information relating to the objects and reasons for the proposed differential rates is available to view here or at the Town’s Administration Building, 308 Stirling Highway, Claremont.

Electors and ratepayers are invited to make submissions to the Town in relation to the proposal to the Chief Executive Officer by email to, by hand to the Town’s Administration Building or by post to PO Box 54, Claremont WA 6910.

All submissions must be received by 5.00pm on Friday 23 June 2023.

Council will consider any submissions received before making a decision to impose the Differential Rates in the 2023-24 Budget.

The Town of Claremont is planning for the future and as part of this we are inviting our community to have their say by completing our MARKYT Community Scorecard.

This invitation is open to all residents, ratepayers and visitors to the Town.

The Scorecard is seeking feedback on a range of services and facilities provided by the Town in order to help identify areas for improvement and better cater for the needs of our community.

Responses to the Scorecard are dealt with in the strictest of confidence in accordance with the Privacy Act and Australian Privacy Principles.

Completing the Scorecard generally takes 10 minutes to complete.

Consultation has now closed.

Results and information the Community Scorecard can be found here.

Thank you for your feedback!

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